The Third International Teleconference on Health Issues brought together faculty and students from across the country and from various academic disciplines to Fresno State to discuss current health issues affecting our nation. The teleconference, held March 3, was a collaborative effort organized by the Departments of Public Health, Physical Therapy and School of Nursing, and also the School of Public Health at Universidad de Costa Rica.
20150303_131139Third year students in the Doctor of Physical Therapy program presented an in-depth presentation on Ebola, which served as the largest outbreak in West African history in 2014. This led to a total of four cases of Ebola in the U.S. just last year. Mr. Jean Carlo Cordoba, an instructor with Universidad de Costa Rica’s School of Public Health, gave a presentation on indigenous health in his country. Meanwhile, Dr. Helda Pinzon-Perez, professor in Fresno State’s public health department, presented on indigenous health here in California.
20150303_135612The presentations brought to light the growing concern of global issues that can impact us locally. Dr. Peggy Trueblood, chair in the Department of Physical Therapy said this makes internationalism and inter-professionalism a valued factor in college coursework. “Interdisciplinary work is so important. This is the wave of the future and will enhance what professionals will do in the practice in the future.”
20150303_133314Helda Pinzon-Perez, one of the event coordinators, echoed Trueblood’s comments, saying cross collaboration is essential on a global scale. “I am very proud and thankful for the collaboration among the three academic units that participated today, including the School of Public Health at Universidad de Costa Rica. The international conferences shows the true spirit of global work.”
20150303_130339This teleconference was held with the support of the College of Health and Human Services’ International Education Committee and the Cohort on International and Globalization at Fresno State. Faculty coordinating the effort include Pinzon-Perez and Drs. Cheryl Hickey and Leslie Zarrinkameh with the Department of Physical Therapy.